Kelly Sumner
Myself, my wife and our two daughters moved to the village in the Summer of 2006. This is my second term serving on the parish council, I have also been Chair of PWMC and I am currently Vice Chair of the Trust for Pilton Village Hall and also a Trustee of the Pilton Playing Fields Trust. Apart from vice chair, I am also on the footpaths group and responsible for overseeing the council's new website.
My working life was mainly in the games Industry and I was fortunate to be CEO of 2 NASDQ listed companies and spent 6 years based in USA.
I look forward to serving you for the next 5 years and hopefully beyond.
2022 Essentials Part I - Roles and Responsibilities; Essentials Part II- Finance; Somerset Climate Action Network; Responding to Planning Applications; Neighbourhood Planning.
2023 Becoming a Successful Chairperson; Do we need a Neighbourhood Plan?
Flooding Triad (Lead); Staffing Triad (Lead); LCN representative; Finance Triad.

Vice Chair
Tom Hollings
5th generation Somerset resident, Tom went to school in Wells before spending time living in London and Bristol pursuing his career as a film & TV producer. Now making wildlife documentaries, he brings a keen interest in ecology and conservation matters to the parish council.
Tom has volunteered for the footpath sub-committee, and to support the RFO by auditing the parish accounts ledger.
He lives in Pilton with his wife and two children.
2022 Essentials Part I - Roles and Responsibilities; Responding to Planning Applications.
2023 Responding to Planning Applications.
Traffic Plan Working Group; Playing Field Trust Representative; Internal Review Officer.

Clerk & RFO
Gill Pettitt
I have lived in Somerset since 2015. Love it here; a remarkable county with its own quirky character and where each town and village makes its mark and has clear identity.
I have a daughter and granddaughter. I started clerking for local councils in November 2020, (it is a 1:3 learning curve but I’m getting there!) and have been councillor with St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council since 2019. .
I have enjoyed getting to know the council, the village and its concerns and hope that I can offer support that works well for you.
2021 Essential Clerk Training Parts I-III; End of Year Accounting, SALC; Local Councils and VAT, SALC; Data Security Awareness, SALC; Cemetery Legal Compliance, SLCC; GDPR, SLCC; Climate Awareness, Somerset County Council.
2022 Introduction to Local Council Administration (ILCA), SLCC; Climate Change Summit, SLCC.
2023 ILCA to CiLCA (Certificate in Local Council Administration), SLCC; Crisis Communications, Breakthrough Training; Burial Ground Administration, SALC; Community Energy and Transport Projects, Centre for Sustainable Energy; CiLCA - Certificate in Local Council Administration, SALC, (in process); Carbon Literacy, Centre for Alternative Technology.
2024 Code of Conduct

Claire Connock
2023 Essentials Part I - Roles and Responsibilities; Essentials Part II - Finance; Engaging Young People
Staffing Triad; Parish Plan Steering Group.

Nick Hall
I have lived in Pilton with my wife and three children since 2005. I was born and bred in
Hampshire and then trained as an Engineer, moving away to various locations including Scotland. Over the last few years, I have worked from home on various projects including a small holiday let business.
This is my first time as a Parish Councillor, and I am keen to serve the whole of our extensive Parish in a fair way. I am looking forward to learning and contributing to all parts of the role.
One new aspect that I am keen to lead on is to build a constructive relationship for Pilton with the Unitary Council and the Local Community Networks (LCNs).
2022 Essentials Part I - Roles and Responsibilities; Responding to Planning Applications; Essentials Part II- Finance; Code of Conduct.
2023 Engaging Young People.
ASBO & Footpaths Liaison Officer; Burial Ground Working Group; Traffic Plan Working Group; Parish Plan Steering Group.

Terry Moulder
I am Somerset born and bred, and moved to Pilton some 30 years ago from Shepton Mallet.
This is my first time serving as a Parish Councillor but I have always taken a keen interest in the Pilton village community.
Over the years I have worked with numerous groups. I am currently Chair of the Trust for Pilton Village Hall and Pilton Playing Fields.
With my partner, Audrey, we jointly ran the Youth Club for 5 years and for over 20 years we ran the bar over Pilton weekend where all profits are funneled into village groups.
I look forward to increasing my service to the Village with my appointment as one of your Councillors .
Pilton Playing Field Trust representative. Flood Triad.

Roger Noble
I have lived in Pilton for nearly 30 years working as a self employed gardener and have served as a parish councillor for more than 25 of those years, 3 terms of office as vice chairman.
I am interested in conservation and as a member of the burial committee I intend to see that the burial ground is always well presented.
My hopes for Pilton are to see road improvements, and a cleaner safe place making it a village to be proud of.
I look forward to serving the parish for my next term of office.
Burial Ground Working Group.

Owain Powell
Pilton village has been home to me, my partner and our two young children for the for the past 12 years.
I have been working in catering and hospitality for 20 years and been heavily involved with local events and festivals.
During Covid, we set up a village to village mobile fish and chip van. This has really been a catalyst for becoming more involved in village life.
We have now taken on the the local pub, The Crown Inn, and are keen to create a lively hub within the Pilton community.
Housing Working Group; Finance Triad; Playing Field Trust Representative.

Lynda Roberts
2024 Code of Conduct
Housing Working Group.

Richard Woodhouse
We moved to West Compton in July 2019 leaving our 3 adult children in London, after a 35 year career in Financial Services.
I have tried to integrate into my new local community through joining local groups, and ensuring that I can contribute wherever possible. I have become a member of the local Beekeepers Association, The Pilton Players (where I am also Treasurer), The History Group and more recently have become a member of the Mid-Somerset Agricultural Show Committee and the Pilton Flower Show Committee. I am also a Trustee of Pilton Village Hall and Pilton Playing Fields.
As a Parish Councillor, I am currently your Responsible Financial Officer and will be a member of the Burial Ground working group.
I hope to serve the community over the next 5 years by listening to villagers and raising their concerns and issues. I believe I can add real value to Council operations and debate through my background in Finance and Business generally.
2022 Essentials Part I - Roles and Responsibilities; Essentials Part II - Finance; Code of Conduct; Responding to Planning Applications.
Staffing Triad; Parish Plan Steering Group (Chair); Burial Ground Working Group; Finance Triad (Lead).